24 February 2010

Minister: Criminal Law Can Change, It's Off Price

Minister of Religious Affairs (Minister) Suryadharma Ali could not be sure when the official government draft of the Draft Law on Religious Courts Material field of marriage will be over.
Clearly, there is no fixed price in the design commonly known as Siri's Marriage Bill, including the criminal penalties.

Suryadharma can not target any formal draft bill from the government Nikah Siri completed because there was some discussion again. When you finish one, the draft bill is not a fixed price.

"If you want to say that the price of an existing dead things. This stuff has not. Even if the script had become the official script, it was not going to be set in stone because it will be discussed in Parliament," said Suryadharma.

This was stated after the test material Suryadharma Law no disfigurement 1/PNPS/1965 of Religion in the Court Building, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (24/2/2010).

Because, he added, each faction will submit a list of entries to the problem and then discussed together. "Maybe the penalty could be changed, there is no fixed price," he asserted.

When asked about the statement the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD who said the ministers now coquetry that had to make Act (Act) to mark the position, Suryadharma reluctantly commented.

"I do not have the right to respond. It's his field when it comes law. If he looked at it as coquetry he had a right to judge," said Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) it.


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